On-screen text (OST)
Our typeface is Metric
Metric is our typeface, it's clean and precise, with technical qualities to help us convey our uncompromising approach to innovation. Consistent application will continue to build recognition of our brand.
Below, we will describe technical principles and parameters of how we use our typeface. For a more general overview of our typeface and how it complements our visual style, see Typography.
On the other hand, asset-specific principles are described in individual asset chapters, namely in Benefit image and Video asset types.
This chapter is divided into two section - OST principles for images and OST principles for video.

OST guidelines for images
Font: Metric light uppercase
Font tracking: 0
Font leading: auto
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: center text
No full stop at the end of the copy
The disclaimer does end with a full stop
Make sure to follow punctuation rules at the end of this chapter
Colour is white (RGB 255, 255, 255)
The copy should be placed in a part of the image that is not busy, i.e. it should be easily readable
The copy is usually placed in the bottom half of the image
Avoid drop shadows
Copy - font size
Font size is the width of the image divided by 30, in px
For example, a 6000px wide image should have a copy with the size of 200px
The copy shouldn't be longer than 2 lines
Disclaimer - font size
Font size is the width of the image divided by 80, in px
The disclaimer shouldn't be longer than 2 lines
Disclaimer is located at the bottom action safe frame (90%)
Crop considerations
Place your copy(ies) within a 1:1 crop area, i.e. a copy cannot exceed the bound of a square crop
Quick tip: If you want to change the displayed size of your type in Photoshop from pt to px and vice-versa, you can do so by going to Edit > Preferences > Units & Rulers > Rulers.

OST guidelines for video
The following section describes general OST principles that are applicable for all text in video.
The sections that follow afterwards deal with specifics of individual OST types. Make sure to read both of them to have a full understanding of how we apply OST to our videos.
If you wish to learn how to "construct" individual OST types in terms of wording (i.e. what the actual text should be) or need additional details, refer to individual Video asset chapters.
These are general OST rules that are valid in all instances:​
Typeface: Metric, mostly Light or Medium
Colour: white (RGB 255, 255, 255)​
Safe frames
All OST should be located within title safe frame area
Size of the safe area is 80%
All values are defined for a full HD (1920x1080) video
For other resolutions, scale accordingly
Alternatively, you can locally decrease exposure of the background and add a slight blur:
Create an adjustment layer
Apply Exposure (with negative values) and Lens blur (with lower values)
Mask out the layer to cover only the area below and around the text
Feather the mask edges
Consists of a subhead (first line(s), smaller font) and a headline (second line(s), bigger font)
Font type: Metric medium uppercase
Font size: 36px
Font tracking: 25
Font leading: auto
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: center text
Max no. of lines: 2
Max no. of characters: ~100
Font type: Metric light sentence case
Font size: 96px
Font tracking: 0
Font leading: auto
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: center text
Max no. of lines: 2
Max no. of characters: 64
can be two sentences as well - in that case, respect punctuation rules below
​OST position
Distance between the subhead and the headline: 60px
The position of the entire opening block (subhead + headline) on the screen: centered vertically and horizontally
OST animation
The copy is visible from the very first frame and fades out over 23 frames
Do not animate the copy in any other way​
General rules
Respect the general rules outlined above
Background for intro can be in-focus or blurred (out-of-focus)
Blur should look cinematic and authentic, not cheap or generic (i.e. use a Lens blur or similar, not Fast or Gaussian blur)
A natural depth-of-field effect can be used instead of a blur

Chapter title
Use cases
Is used to denote a new chapter or block of a video
Can also be used to highlight an important message or to introduce a closing statement
Font specifics
Font type: Metric light title case
Font size: 96px
Font tracking: 0
Font leading: auto
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: center text
Max no. of lines: 2
Max no. of characters: 64
OST position
The block is centered both vertically and horizontally
OST animation
The copy starts fully opaque and fades out over 23 frames
Do not animate the copy in any other way​​
General rules
Respect the general rules outlined above

Font specifics
Font type: Metric light sentence case
Font size: 75px
Font tracking: 0
Font leading: 90px
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: left-aligned
Max no. of lines: 2
Max no. of characters: ~84
Benefit name
For product videos, benefit name can be placed above the copy
Benefit name specs:​
Font type: Metric medium uppercase
Font size: 36px
Font tracking: 25
Font leading: auto
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: left-aligned
Gap between copy and benefit name: 36px
OST position
Aligned to the bottom title safe frame. This is true irrespective of whether the copy is one, two or three lines.
OST animation
The copy fades in over 20 frames and fades out over 20 frames
Do not animate the copy in any other way​​
General rules
Respect the general rules outlined above

​Font specifics
Font type: Metric light sentence case
Font size: 20px
Font tracking: 25
Font leading: 24px
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: left-aligned
Disclaimer & copy
Disclaimer is connected through an asterisk (*) to the main text (copy or headline)
There is no space between * and the main text or disclaimer
Disclaimer always ends with a full stop
OST position
Centered horizontally
Aligned to the bottom action safe area
If the disclaimer is two lines, it is always the first line that is aligned to the action safe area
OST animation
The OST fades in over 20 frames and fades out over 20 frames
Do not animate the OST in any other way​​
General rules
Respect the general rules outlined above

Comparisons & pop-ups
​Font specifics​
Font type: Metric medium uppercase
Font size: 36px
Font tracking: 25
Font leading: auto
Font kerning: metrics
Paragraph: center text
OST animation
The OST fades in over 20 frames and fades out over 20 frames
Do not animate the OST in any other way​​
General rules
Respect the general rules outlined above
Learn more about comparisons for both images and video here

First sentence(s) always end(s) with a full stop
The last sentence is without a full stop
Disclaimer always ends with a full stop
There is no space before or after the /
E.g.: "connect via Wifi/Bluetooth"
There is no space before or after the asterisk
Main text* *with a disclaimer
Dash (hyphen)
We use the "minus" symbol for a dash (hyphen)
If it is used in a word (built-in), we call it a hyphen and these is no space before or after the -
If it is used to connect two parts of a sentence (Superior washing - in less than 1 hour), we call it a dash and there is a space before and after the -
Vertical bar (pipe)
There is a space before and after the |
​​Use cases
Throughout the entire video, our logo is visible on screen
OST position and size
The logo is 200px wide
It is placed in the upper left corner and aligned to the corner of the action safe area
Do not lock up logo with copy or On-screen graphics and keep clear space around it
OST animation
The logo is visible from the very first frame of the video
It fades out over 15 frames towards the end of the video

Use cases
Each video ends with AEG logo and brand promise ("CHALLENGE THE EXPECTED")
Sonic Logo
We have a per-animated sonic logo with sound
It is placed at the end of a video after music has stopped playing
More information can be found here
Our logo and brand promise appear over regular, unblurred footage​