On-screen graphics
On-screen graphics types
On-screen graphics (OSG) are a vital part of our content, bringing to life our product stories and benefits in an engaging way. They add an additional, expressive layer to our communications.
They should always complement the message and use visuals as another dimension to explain a benefit, feature or technology.
For a broader overview of how OSG fit our visual style, feel free to read Typography and Icons.
This chapter is divided into two section - OSG principles for images and OSG principles for video.

OSG guidelines for images
If we want to connect pop-up text to a certain part of the image, we use taglines with a distinct T-handle at the end.
The thickness of the line should roughly match 1/2 the thickness of the text it connects to. The length of the T-handle at the end should roughly correspond to 1/3 of the height of the text.
We can use vertical, horizontal, or horizontal with a 22° break taglines. There is a one character gap between the text and the tagline for horizontal text, and 1/2 gap for vertical text.
Please use these numbers as a rough guide only and always aim for the most visually pleasing result.
To learn about text sizes, read the chapter On-screen text.

Comparison line
Comparison images are split by a dividing line from top to bottom.
The line is white colour (RGB 255/255/255).
Line thickness is the width of the image divided by 360, rounded to the nearest even number (i.e. for a 6000px wide image, the line thickness is 16px (6000/360=16.67)).
For more information on how to treat the line, click here.
For more information on how to treat the text, click here.

For single pictograms, the pictogram should be scaled to 1/4 of the width of the image.
However, there are certain edge cases when pictograms can be larger or smaller, depending on the context. Inspect the images on the right to see such cases.
pictogram size and placement should be selected on a case-by-case basis, to work both aesthetically and from a communications point-of-view.
You can combine pictograms with our T-handle taglines and/or text. Text and taglines should follow their respective guidelines.
To learn more about pictograms, see the pictograms chapter.

Dimensional infographics are elements that use graphics and text in unison to describe two-dimensional properties (surface areas, length or height). This is represented by a dotted line with a distinct handle at both ends.
Line thickness is the width of the image divided by 360, rounded to the nearest number (i.e. for a 5000px wide image, the line thickness is 14px (5000/360=13.88)).
​For more information on how to treat the text, click here.

The volumetric infographics are elements to describe three-dimensional elements (cavity volumes, depth). This is usually represented by an arrow. The arrowhead consists of two lines that are in 90° angle to each other.
Line thickness is the width of the image divided by 240, rounded to the nearest number (i.e. for a 5874px wide image, the line thickness is 24px (5874/240=24.48)).
Volumetric infographics should be placed in 3D space (perspective), or at least appear to be, to look like an integral part of the image.
For more information on how to treat the text, click here.

OSG guidelines for video
If we want to connect pop-up text to a certain part of the image, we use taglines with a distinct T-handle at the end.
The thickness of the line is 2px. The length of the T-handle at the end should roughly correspond to 1/3 of the height of the text.
We can use vertical, horizontal, or horizontal with a 22° break taglines. There is a one character gap between the text and the tagline for horizontal text, and 1/2 gap for vertical text.
Please use these numbers as a rough guide only and always aim for the most visually pleasing result.
To learn about text sizes, read the chapter On-screen text.

pictogram size should be 230x230px. You can combine pictograms with our T-handle taglines.
In video, try to animate the pictograms in, instead of simple fading them in. Make the animation smooth and visually pleasing, but not too long to avoid stealing attention from the actual benefit.
Avoid too complex infographics and animations.
To learn more about pictograms, see this chapter.
UIs, apps and pop-ups
For specific use cases where we want to showcase a product-neutral UI, a phone app, or an appliance or a phone pop-up message, we use a semi-transparent UI in white colour and with white outlines. The UI should be relatively simple and easy to comprehend.
For video, animate the UIs in a tasteful and elegant way. Learn more about UI design and animation principles in App neutrality.
Info tags
Info tags are used to highlight increasing values. They are shown with a line and text if necessary, and should always be in white colour.
In animation, they should expand from bottom to top, or you can have them fade in.
Text size should be the same as in pop-up text (63px). Line thickness should be 3px.
Dimensional infographics are elements that use graphics and text in unison to describe two-dimensional properties (surface areas, length or height).
Line thickness and text size should be adjusted based on the proportion of the information graphic.
Text size should be the same as in pop-up text (63px). Line thickness should be 3px.
Directional infographics are arrows that demonstrate the flow of fluids or particles.
The colour, thickness and frequency of the directional arrows should be related to the element being described (i.e. red arrows for hot water; blue arrows for cold or pure water).
The volumetric infographics are elements to describe three-dimensional elements (cavity volumes, depth).
Line thickness and text size should be adjusted based on the proportion of the information graphic.
Text size should be the same as in pop-up text (63px). Line thickness should be 3px.
Element highlight
If we want to draw the viewer's attention to a specific part of the product, we may overlay it with an AEG Amber highlight. Its opacity can be adjusted based on circumstances.
In terms of animation, simply fade the highlight in and out.
AEG Amber: RGB 225, 173, 1
Optional: highlight blue (RGB 19, 88, 125) or highlight red (RGB 207, 19, 47)