Our name, logo, and Brand Promise are our key identifiers and emblems for everything we do and stand for. As our most recognisable assets, they are always spoken or applied consistently, confidently, and proudly across all touchpoints, repeated enough to ensure brand recall.
Our logo: Three things you must do

1. Our logo is red
Our logo is only ever used in AEG red to continuously and consistently build brand equity and ensure brand recall.

2. Ensure logo visibility
The preferred position of our logo is centred, but can be positioned elsewhere depending on communications. For example, top left for an on screen graphic or brochure cover. It
can also be centred within the video for our end frame – the goal is to ensure legibility and attribution.

3. Keep it clean
With the exception of the Brand Promise, our logo is not locked up with anything else.
Our logo is red
Why the red is important
Our red logo gives us instant recognition.
It is important that we consistently use our
red logo to continuously build brand equity
and ensure brand recall.
When using our red logo it must always
remain visible. Don’t change the colour of our logo, instead, adapt the background.
We have created new imagery using more
red tones. Applying our red logo on these
backgrounds will require some consideration
to ensure stand out and visibility.

Example using a lighter background

Example using a darker background
Our logo visibility in video
Our red logo must be used at the end of any video or motion content. Communications should be considered with the following things in mind:
In order to maximize logo visibility, thought should be given to the end shot regarding background, positioning of character, and product, so as not to detract from the logo.
Should you need to enhance visibility for the logo, the following treatments are available: Gain gradient or Direct cut
The above guidance must be followed to continuously build brand equity and ensure brand recall.

1. Shoot to optimise logo visibility
Direct the content to ensure the logo is displayed clearly within the end frame

2. Gain gradient
Darkens the area behind the logo

3. Direct cut
A direct cut to the logo on a solid colour
Our logo don’ts

Don’t place our logo within a box or holding shape. It should always appear on photography or solid colour.

Don’t lock-up our logo with the Electrolux Group logo.

Don’t recreate our logo and Brand Promise. Always use supplied logo and Brand Promise artwork.

Don’t lock-up any symbols to our logo.

Don’t use a white logo as an end-frame. Always use supplied end-frame artwork.

Don’t use position our logo in areas that have little contrast from the background. Our logo must be clearly visible on all touchpoints. Ensure the background is light or dark enough.

Don’t create new logos. Always use supplied artwork.

Don’t create lock-ups with our logo.
Our logo clear-space and minimum size
Giving a logo sufficient clear-space ensures that nothing interferes with the visibility of the logo, and that the logo is always consistently spaced away from other elements.
The clear-space is defined by the width of the letter ‘E’ from the AEG logo. Ensure that nothing is placed within this space, or that the logo is placed closer than this space to other elements.
Minimum size
At some sizes the logo will struggle to remain legible and readable, so by designating a minimum size for on screen and in print, we can ensure this never happens
To avoid the logo becoming illegible never use the logo smaller than 28 pixels on screen and 10mm in print.