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The Colour Collection's aim is to inspire styling for assets and create a broader visual style beyond our AEG primary palette. It is a flexible and powerful way to communicate depth and dimension to our brand identity. We want our color collection to enable us to communicate a personality which is unexpected and challenging. When used in the right way, it will help us create a sophisticated and premium feel in our imagery and enhanced product communication.

Colour is a powerful way to express the spirit of the AEG brand.
Rich, dark tones suggest a progressive, innovative and iconic backdrop while bold, expressive and modern accents create contrast and visual interest through styling and propping.



Our core identifying colours are used to create strong brand recognition, stand-out and attribution.

  • Red - used for logo and in styling and propping, but sparingly

  • Carbon + greys - used for backdrops or backgrounds

AEG Carbon

Pantone 426 C

CMYK: 83/68/68/83

RGB: 14/20/20

HEX: #0e1414

RAL: 9004

AEG White

CMYK: 0/0/0/0

RGB: 255/255/255

HEX: #ffffff

RAL: 9016

Pantone: 186 C
CMYK: 11/100/82/3
RGB: 207/19/47
HEX: #cf132f
RAL: 3002

AEG Aluminium
Pantone: 428 C
CMYK: 27/19/19/1
RGB: 195/196/199
HEX: #c3c4c7
RAL: 7035

AEG Silver
Pantone: 429 C
CMYK: 39/27/27/6
RGB: 164/168/171
HEX: #a4a8ab
RAL: 7042

AEG Steel
Pantone: 430
CMYK: 52/37/34/16
RGB: 126/133/139
HEX: #7e858b
RAL: 7046

AEG Zinc
Pantone: 423 C
CMYK: 47/36/36/15
RGB: 137/139/139
HEX: #898b8b
RAL: 7037


  • A set of red colours to support the primary palette. They are primarily used for supporting elements in communication, such as graphs, charts or PowerPoint presentations

  • Exceptional use colours are for specific uses only, such as UI design

Dark Burgundy
Pantone: 7421 C
CMYK: 28/100/64/58
RGB: 89/10/30
HEX: # 590a1e
RAL: 3004

Light Burgundy
Pantone: 1945 C
CMYK: 15/100/60/19
RGB: 181/20/63
HEX: # b5143f
RAL: 3027

Dark Pink
Pantone: 708 C
CMYK: 0/51/14/0
RGB: 245/151/165
HEX: #f597a5
RAL: 3014

Light Pink
Pantone: 699 C
CMYK: 0/22/9/0
RGB: 250/203/210
HEX: #facbd2
RAL: 3015

AEG Amber
(UI only)
HEX: #e1aD01

Eco green
Pantone: 2417C
CMYK: 76/0/79/0
RGB: 0/180/94
HEX: # 00b45e


  • Has a personality which is unexpected

  • Has a distinctive and sophisticated  edge to support art direction, styling, propping and visual elements in our imagery

  • Consists of a bold and vibrant mix of pinks, purples, blues and greens

  • The Colour Collection is an integral part of our visual identity and brings richness, expression, depth and dimension to our photography and styling

  • It is a guide for achieving the right tone and colour when considering styling and propping photography

  • We avoid using these colours as backgrounds

  • Is used for video in combination with the primary palette


CC Green 1
RGB: 64/71/43
Hex: #40472b

CC Green 2
RGB: 71/110/69
Hex: #476e45

CC Green 3
RGB: 191/166/77
Hex: #bfa64d

CC Green 4
RGB: 186/186/122
Hex: #baba7a


CC Blue 1
RGB: 23/54/128
Hex: #173680

CC Blue 2
RGB: 43/74/125
Hex: #2b4a7d

CC Blue 3
RGB: 105/152/217
Hex: #6998d9

CC Blue 4
RGB: 138/163/201
Hex: #8aa3c9


CC Pink 1
RGB: 89/10/30
Hex: #590a1e

CC Pink 2
RGB: 143/28/56
Hex: #8f1c38

CC Pink 3
RGB: 232/138/156
Hex: #e88a9c

CC Pink 4
RGB: 237/199/204
Hex: #edc7cc


CC Purple 1
RGB: 54/0/64
Hex: #360040

CC Purple 2
RGB: 133/36/112
Hex: #852470

CC Purple 3
RGB: 133/84/153
Hex: #855499

CC Purple 4
RGB: 163/138/201
Hex: #a38ac9


Anchor 1

There is a set way for creating the AEG Carbon gradient. Follow the steps in the program of your choice on how to create the gradient. The AEG gradient is a blend of AEG Carbon and AEG Carbon light. 


We can change the angle of the gradient so that it isn't always positioned horizontally. This helps to keep the gradient interesting.

Never “eye drop” from existing files; please use correct colour codes provided in these guidelines.


AEG Carbon

RGB: 14/20/20

HEX: #0e1414

AEG Carbon Light

RGB: 74/74/76

HEX: #4a4a4c


A selection of dark, light and mid tones, across four colour groups brings a sophisticated and premium feel.

The Colour Collection is bold and expressive but rooted in natural tones – it expresses our creative edge and unexpected qualities. A maximum of three colours can be selected from a single part of the Colour Collection to support the primary colour palette when creating an overall style and direction.


Please find 4 samples of applied Colour collection on the laundry room environment and see how creative choices for Location, Lighting and Props & Set Styling have influenced the resulting ambiance of the pictures.


You can also see how our Colour principles translate to grading here.









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