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Although we are proud of our Berlin heritage, we are a global company and our casting should reflect this. We want to show how our products improve the lives of our customers. They are the ambitious achievers - expect from our products more and aim higher.



Clearly, each brief will influence casting choices and performance style, but in general we are looking for the following traits in our talent:



  • Edgy with finesse, standing out from the crowd with strong personal style

  • With attitude but warm and approachable, never arrogant

  • Passionate and expressive personality, with charisma

  • Assured, confident and relaxed



  • Not necessarily models, real people

  • Authentic but extraordinary

  • Photogenic - confident in front of camera



  • Diversity (ethnicity, age)

  • If there is possibility go with natural couples, try to match

  • Having an animal is an option



  • If you are creating EPC in casting always prefer to have in person casting based also on talent's filmed performance

  • In 2DP go for a bit more boldness and presence

  • In video go for more natural, authentic and not posed behaviour



Please note the following images are from a wardrobe test shoot and do not not necessarily represent final casting considerations.


What drew us to choose this talent was his interesting face. He feels like he could be one of our Ambitious Achievers. The boxes that we felt were ticked are:


  • Approachable

  • Strong presence

  • Natural feeling in front of the camera

  • Interesting face

  • Not typical model type


What drew us to choose this talent was her interesting overall look. She feels like one of our Ambitious Achievers. The boxes that we felt were ticked are:


  • Strong presence

  • Has a bit of an edgy look

  • Natural face

  • Not typical model

  • Looks healthy


We want to cast talents in different age groups. What we look for with talents that are over 50:


  • Natural and interesting face

  • That looks like they can be styled with more edgier clothes

  • Interesting hair, as in this case – long hair (which might not be that usual)

  • Can act natural in front of camera

  • Not posed



We want to cast talents in different age groups.  Adding this example to showcase what we look for with male talents over 40:


  • Natural and interesting face

  • Feels like one of our
    Ambitious Achiever

  • Can act natural in front of camera

  • Not model type


However, this talent will not be cast again as it feels a bit close to the Electrolux Persona. With the left styling he becomes a bit too perfect and the right one that’s a bit edgier doesn’t work with his looks.


What we liked with this talent was:

  • Assurance

  • Relaxed attitude in front of the camera

  • Interesting face and hair


However, he won’t be cast again as he is a bit too short for the set. This is not a problem in close-ups but room set images with talent this can be more difficult.

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